Mukulungu - Autranella congolensis
Janka Hardness = 2310
Photosensitivity = No
Brenco Exotic Woods, when the ordinary will not do!!!
Scientific Name = Autranella congolensis
Trade Name = Mukulungu
Family Name = Sapotaceae
Synonyms = Mimusops letestui
Common Names = Adjazok, Angulu, Anzala, Autracon, Banga, Bonyanga, Bouanga, Bwanga, Elang, Elangzok, Elanzok, Fino, Kabulungu, Kolo, Kondofino, Kungulu, M'fua, Mafamuti, Mbanga, Mtua, Mubelenge, Muku, Mukulumbu, Mukulungu, Mukungulu, Mumbelenge, Ntsha, Ovanga, Uku, Yoli
Regions of Distribution = Africa
Countries of Distribution = Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, Nigeria, South Africa, Zaire
Numerical Strength Properties and Data:
Bending Strength = 21,705 psi or 1,526 kg/cm2
Density = 59 Lbs/Ft3 or 945 kg/m3
Janka Hardness = 2,310
Hardness = 2,311 lbs. or 1,048 kg
Impact Strength = inches or cm
Maximum Crushing Strength = 11,316 psi or 795 kg/cm2
Shearing Strength = 1,560 psi or 109 kg/cm2
Stiffness = 2,304 psi or 161 kg/cm2
Toughness = in-lbs or cm-kg
Specific Gravity = 0.78
Work to Maximum Load = inch-lb/in3 or cm-kg/cm3
Weight = 57 Lbs/Ft3 or 913 kg/m3
Fiber Saturation Point = 26%
Radial Shrinkage = 5.8%
Tangential Shrinkage = 7.4%
Volumetric Shrinkage = 14.8%
T/R Ration = 1.1
General Characteristics = Heartwood red to reddish brown with darker streaks; sapwood grayish, not always sharply demarcated from the heartwood. Texture is fine and even grain usually straight, sometimes interlocked; somewhat lustrous. Dust is very irritating to mucous membranes.
Grain = The grain is straight to slightly interlocked.
Texture = The wood has a fine to medium texture.
Movement in Service =
Photosensitivity =
Color =