Burmese Teak - Tectona grandis
Janka Hardness = 1070
Photosensitivity = Low
Brenco Exotic Woods, when the ordinary will not do!!!
Scientific Name = Tectona grandis
Trade Name = Burmese Teak
Family Name = Verbenaceae
Synonyms = Tectona theka
Common Names = Burma teak, Deleg, Djati, Djatos, Dodolan, Genuine teak, Gia thi, Giati, Jate, Jati, Jati sak, Jatih, Jatos, Java teak, Kaiti, Kulidawa, Kyoon-pen, Kyun, Mai sak, Maisak, Moulimein teak, Pahi, Rangoon teak, Rosawa, Sagon, Sagwan, Tadi, Teak, Teca, Teck, Tegina, Tekku, Thekku, Thukku, Tik, Tsik
Regions of Distribution = Africa, Central America, Oceania, and South East Asia
Countries of Distribution = Burma
Numerical Strength Properties and Data:
Bending Strength = 14,742 psi or 1,036 kg/cm2
Crushing Strength = 1065 psi or 74 kg/cm2
Density = 39 Lbs/Ft3 or 624 kg/m3
Janka Hardness = 1070
Hardness =1038 lbs. or 470 kg
Impact Strength = 25 In or 63 cm
Maximum Crushing Strength = 7883 psi or 554 kg/cm2
Shearing Strength = 1859 psi or 130 kg/cm2
Static Bending = 7304 psi or 130 kg/cm2
Stiffness = 1,730,000 psi or 121,000 kg/cm2
Toughness = 227 inch-lbs or 261 cm-kg
Specific Gravity = 0.57
Work to Maximum Load = 11 inch-lbs/in3 or 0.77 cm-kg/cm3
Weight = 37 Lbs/Ft3 or 592 kg/m3
Radial Shrinkage =2%
Tangential Shrinkage = 5%
Volumetric Shrinkage = 7%
T/R Ration = 2.3
General Characteristics = Heartwood dark golden yellow, turning a dark brown with exposure, often very variable in color when freshly machined showing blotches and streaks of various shades; sapwood pale yellowish, sharply demarcated. Grain straight, sometimes wavy; texture coarse, uneven (ring porous); dull with an oily feel; scented when freshly cut. Dust may cause skin irritations. Silica content variable, up to 1.4% is reported.
Grain = The grain tends to be straight, though it can occasionally be wavy or interlocked. Teak also has a slightly oily or greasy feel due to its natural oils.
Color = Heartwood tends to be a golden or medium brown, with color darkening with age.
Texture = The grain tends to be straight, though it can occasionally be wavy or interlocked. Teak also has a slightly oily or greasy feel due to its natural oils.
Movement in Service = Movement in service is rated as small.
Photosensitivity = Low